
The Big Island


The Big Island


Things to Do

The Island of Hawai'i, frequently called The Big Island to avoid confusion, is the largest of the Hawaiian islands, and there is a ton of stuff to do, from lounging at the pool or a beach, to hiking, to small-town shopping, to visiting an erupting volcano. If you're thinking about coming several days before the ceremony or staying several days after, but aren't sure what there is to do, here's a few of our favorites, ranked by ease, convenience and cost.

Easy, Convenient & Inexpensive
All of these are either at the Sheraton or on the free Keauhou Resort Trolly route and cost relatively little to enjoy.

Easy & Inexpensive

All of these require a car to get to, but cost little-to-no money once you're there.


If you have the budget, these are some truly amazing and unique experiences that only Hawai'i can provide.

The above lists are all things that we have personal connections to, but there's lots more! The island has more land area than all the others in the archepelago combined, and it's gorgeous from tip to tip to tip:

Here's a more dense list of 50 possible things to do provided by the hotel.

If there's something you'd like to do, but aren't sure if it will work due to schedule or logistics, please reach out to us and we'll be happy to help you figure it out.